8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

AYNAT works to contribute to economic productivity through innovation, technical advancement, and diversity, with a concentration on high-value-added and labor-intensive industries that have the propensity to reimagine Africa’s future of work.
Our waste management and recycling projects such as Plastic Innov8 and Project Hydro help to provide volunteering and employment for the youths. We work to treat food waste on small and large scale to remove their footprint from landfills.
Our partnership with female-focused and children inclusive NGOs enable us to contribute to our quota to stopping all forms of child labor, including the recruitment of children as soldiers and modern-day slavery and human trafficking, and to ensure its ban and eradication through our advocacies.
At AYNAT, we work to provide safe and secure working conditions for all employees, especially those with precarious employment and migratory workers, particularly women.
Infographic: Decent Work and Economic Growth.
Why it matters:Decent Work and Economic Growth.