6. Clean Water and Sanitation

AYNAT, through its advocacy initiatives, eradicates open defecation and ensures that everyone has access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene, giving particular regard to the needs of women, girls, and people in vulnerable situations.
Our journey has an element to help reduce pollution, stop dumping, limit the discharge of dangerous chemicals and materials, cut in half the amount of untreated wastewater, and significantly increase recycling and safe reuse across Africa through our project codenamed “Project Hydro.”
We will develop water treatment technologies to conserve and restore water-related ecosystems, such as lakes, rivers, aquifers, marshes, mountains, forested areas, and, most importantly, remote communities’ water sources.
Our “Plastic Innov8” project helps to increase international collaboration and capacity-building assistance for projects and activities connected to water and sanitation in developing countries, including technology for water harvesting, desalination, water efficiency, wastewater treatment, recycling, and reuse.
We also organize community and beach cleanup initiatives to help keep our water bodies clean.
Infographic: Clean Water and Sanitation
Why it matters: Clean Water and Sanitation